To find train times in Japan, the best place to find out is on
Hyperdia. You just put in your departure and arrival points, the date of travel, either your departure or arrival time and a list of several options will appear. It works best for me to put 'Departure' time except for my flight home ( from Tokyo) where due to having a flight at 12:15, I need to be at the airport (Narita Terminal 3) by 9:00AM, where I have chosen 'Arrival'.
Tip for JR Pass holders:
When the various options appear, scroll down the page and uncheck Nozomi/Mizuho/Hayabusa (Shinkansen), and Private Railway, click 'Search' and the options will give you only those trains that your JR Pass is valid for.
My train routes
I've checked the train times for my trip and rather than bookmark them or have them written down somehwere where I'll forget where they are, am putting them here all in one place. As my trip is not until June (2016), I will need to check again in case the train times have changed. People have advised me that every three months timetables may change, so I will be checking again mid to late March. But for now, here is the train schedule which I will be using.
Narita T3 to Kyoto
Not sure about this one as it will depend on how long it will take collecting luggage, going through customs and getting to T2 where the trains run from. (Trains do not run to or from Terminal 3). Roughly I won't get to Kyoto before 16:00.
Kyoto to Kanazawa
10:10: Depart Kyoto - LTD. EXP THUNDERBIRD 11 [ Departure track No.0 ] (travel time 127 min)
12:17: Arrive Kanazawa [ Arrival track No.7 ]
10:40: Depart Kyoto - LTD. EXP THUNDERBIRD 13 [ Departure track No.0 ] (travel 136 min)
12:56: Arrive Kanazawa [ Arrival track No.7 ]
Kanazawa to Takayama
12:06: Depart Kanazawa - SHINKANSEN TSURUGI 708 [Departure track No.11 ] (travel time 23 min)
12:29: Arrive Toyama [ Arrival track No.11 / Departure track No.2 ]
13:05: Depart Toyama - LTD. EXP (WIDE VIEW) HIDA 14 (travel time 90 min)
14:32: Arrive Takayama
There is an earlier train I could get which leaves Kanazawa at 9:56 and arrives in Takayama at 12:29, but this involves two changes of trains, but for me, I'd rather get the later train which is easier (only one train change) plus allows me just that little bit of extra time (in Kanazawa).
Takayama to Shinjuku (JR)
9:38: Depart Takayama - LTD. EXP (WIDE VIEW) HIDA 6 (travel time 144 min)
12:02: Arrive Nagoya [ Arrival track No.3 / Departure track No.14 ]
13:27: Depart Nagoya SHINKANSEN HIKARI 520 (travel time 96 min)
15:03: Arrive Shinagawa
15:26: Depart Shinagawa - LTD. EXP NARITA EXPRESS 28 (travel time 13 min)
15:39: Arrive Shinjuku (JR) [ Arrival track No.6 ]
9:38: Depart Takayama - LTD. EXP (WIDE VIEW) HIDA 6, (travel time 144 Min)
12:02: Arrive Nagoya [ Arrival track No.3 / Departure track No.14 ]
13:27: Depart Nagoya - SHINKANSEN HIKARI 520 (travel time 96 min)
15:03: Arrive Shinagawa
15:17: Depart Shinagawa - JR Yamanote Line(Outer loop) for OSAKI
15:19: Arrive Osaki
15:21: Depart Osako
15:37: Arrive Shinjuku (JR)
Tokyo to Narita Airport
07:06: Depart Shinjuku (JR) LTD. EXP NARITA EXPRESS 7 [ Departure track No.5 ] (travel time 87 min)
08:33: Arrive Narita Airport Terminal 2
08:33: Walk (time 18 min)
08:51: Arrive Narita International Airport Terminal 3
If I arrive at the airport at 9:30 instead of 9:00, instead of catching a train around 7:00AM, I'd be able to leave almost an hour later (7:53) which would get me to the airport at 9:18, but I would rather not risk it. I always prefer to arrive (too) early at the airport, check in my luggage, then have the rest of the time to relax. I'd rather be bored witless than arrive just in time and have to worry about not getting to the departure gate in time!
Day Trips From Kyoto
Kyoto to Hiroshima (Thursday 9 June)
7:20: Depart Kyoto SHINKANSEN HIKARI 491 [ Departure track No.13 ] (travel time 105 min)
9:05: Arrive Hiroshima [ Arrival track No.12 / Departure track No.1 ]
9:15: Depart Hiroshima JR Sanyo Line for IWAKUNI (travel time 28 min)
9:43: Arrive Miyajimaguchi
9:55: Depart JR Miyajima Ferry for MIYAJIMA (travel time 10 min)
10:05: Arrive Miyajima
Hiroshima to Kyoto
17:47: Depart Hiroshima - SHINKANSEN SAKURA 562 [ Departure track No.14 ] (travel time 83 min)
19:10: Arrive Shin-Kobe
19:25: Depart Shin-Kobe - SHINKANSEN HIKARI 482 (travel time 30 min)
19:55: Arrive Kyoto [ Arrival track No.11 ]
Kyoto to Himeji (Friday 10 June)
9:16: Depart Kyoto - SHINKANSEN HIKARI 501 [ Departure track No.14 ] (travel time 14 min)
9:30: Arrive Shin-Osaka [ Arrival track No.22 / Departure track No.20 ]
9:35: Depart Shin-Osaka - SHINKANSEN KODAMA 737 (travel time 39 min)
10:14: Arrive Himeji
Himeji to Kyoto
15:11: Depart Himeji - JR Special Rapid Service for YASU [ Departure track No.6 ] (travel time 62 min)
16:13: Arrive Osaka
16:15: Depart Osaka (travel time 29 min)
16:44: Arrive Kyoto [ Arrival track No.2 ]
16:01: Depart Himeji - SHINKANSEN HIKARI 476 (travel time 54 min)
16:55: Arrive Kyoto [ Arrival track No.11 ]
I may not do the following after having already done two long day trips.
Kyoto to Nara
9:33: Depart Kyoto - JR Nara Line Rapid Service for NARA [ Departure track No.8 ] (travel time 44 min)
10:19: Arrive Nara
Nara to Kyoto
13:54: Depart Nara JR Nara Line Rapid Service for KYOTO (travel time 47 min)
14:41: Arrive Kyoto track 11